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TEDxWestVancouverED Jesse Miller: Revaluate, Rethink, Release.  

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Jesse Miller’s TED Talk focuses on the power of the digital voice and how it can hinder a child’s life in their future. During the video, Jesse made a powerful statement saying “parents pacify their children with technology so they can get some quiet time” (3:40). This statement was followed by him discussing how parents are forgetting to teach them about technology and using it as the pacifier. It is our jobs as educators, and also parents, to help teach our children that there are more scary things on the internet besides a predator on the other side. Children need to learn about the power of their posts and how it could negatively impact their life later on. Kids do not always think about future consequences, so it is important that help them safely navigate through todays technology. I know when I was a teenager posting to social media, not once did I ever think about how these photos could impact my life later. As a future educator, I am going to work on finding a way to help my students learn how to balance their everyday life with their technology.

1 Comment

  1. Kimberly Yuill

    Great thoughts Lauren! I loved the analogy that Jesse Miller used of the news broadcaster. Broadcasters have a large audience and, as such, are held to a high standard of what they report. Children and youth can now have large audiences through the use of social media. I know teenagers that have thousands of followers. Do children and youth realize the power that they yield having such a far-reaching voice? Doubtful. It would be nice if we could rely on parents to have these important conversations with their children, but as professionals, we can not put “all our eggs into that basket.” We need to teach our students that what they type, what they share, matters.

    Thanks for your thoughts Lauren. Your entire blog looks great!

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