Magnificent Macrame

Made with Canva

This weeks knot is very closely related to last weeks square knot. Please enjoy my video I made showing how to create the spiral square knot. This week I tried using time lapse on during my video to speed up the video when I needed to make a lot of knots in a row. Next time I will make my time lapse video a little longer. Even though I felt like I had recorded a lot for it, when I went to add it on I felt like it could have been longer. I still enjoyed adding it to my video and I hope you do too.

1 Comment

  1. cblake

    Hi Lauren!

    I really am enjoying your videos! I am so looking forward to life slowing down a bit in December and having the opportunity to try out these knots! I love the idea of the time lapse that you did to speed up the video when you had a bunch of knots. I wonder if you could somehow slow the time laps a tiny bit so it appears slightly longer? I remember doing this with the stop-motion videos so I am not sure if it would work with the editing tool you are using?! I look forward to your next video.

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