Magnificent Macrame

This week our class learned how to make stop animation videos. At first it looked and sounded a little daunting because there needed to be precise movements and a lot of pictures. A few class mates and I got together and planned a short video using the app Zing Studio. The app was very quick to download and very user friendly.

Before starting our video, we had to decide what we wanted to create. Using the planning sheet posted below, we began mapping out what our video would look like. After filling out the boxes, we then had to decide what job each person would take on. It was important to have a director, a camera person, and “actors” to move the props around. Once everyone had their roles we began filming.

EDCI 336 Handouts

To begin, we clicked on the icon “Create Movie”

Zing Studio App

Next we secured the phone with the camera pointing at our set and pressed the camera button.

Zing Studio App

From there we moved our characters around millimeter by millimeter, pressing the camera button each time, until our story was complete.

Some really cool features this app provides are: it shows you were your character was in the previous photo so you can see how for to move it and also, you can easily delete frames if something wasn’t perfect.

After we finished taping the video, it was automatically saved to my iPhone photos and I was able to edit the video a bit more. 

In the end, stop motion was actually pretty easy to make and I had a lot of fun doing so. I hope you enjoy watching our video that we made, and I hope you take some time to have fun and make a stop motion video for yourself 🙂

Created by Cassidy, Chelsea, Emily, Lauren and Morgan

1 Comment

  1. Kimberly Yuill

    Hey Lauren. I loved your post on Stop Motion! What a great little tutorial you provided for people who are unfamiliar with the process. I was also nervous to create a stop motion video but quickly became comfortable with the process and app. Originally, I wasn’t sure why this technology would be useful for students but I can now see that it provides a new, interesting avenue to develop new technological skills. On top of that, it would be a fun way for students to showcase a short story that they wrote or could write, allowing for some cross-curricular opportunities.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


    P.S. I love the “buzzing” sound your bees make even more now that I know you ladies created that fancy little sound effect. Well done!

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